Ethical and Religious Culture
The Ethics and Religious Culture course encourages exploration and reflection. Our students will challenged ethically to reflect on aspects of certain social realities and subjects such as justice, happiness, laws and rules. Students are invited to express their views and discuss their opinions together. The idea is to learn about different perspectives and understand that there are several ways to address controversial issues in our society.
Students will gain an understanding as to the important role that different religions have had historically in Québec society. Students can compare certain religious practices and ask questions about their evolution of these over the centuries.
This is a course that allows for many very exciting and creative projects. Students should graduate with a deep of the diversity of the society in which we live. Exposure to different religions will also help them understand the practices and rituals in the world and thus learn to qualify their statements while respecting the individual as a whole.In addition, this course helps demystify some generation to generation rooted stereotypes and encourages discussion and openness, allowing each individual to make smarter choices.