Teaching values and responsibility.
As part of the Talmud Torah curriculum all Grade six girls learn about their roles in Judaism and the various cycles of Jewish life and law. Over the course of the program, students learn about Jewish laws and customs and gain a deeper understanding of our core Jewish values such as acts of kindness, respect for family, and modesty.
Students have an opportunity to express their learning creatively through the making of challah covers, Shabbat candles, Havdallah sets and Aishet Chayil frames, all of which become important symbols as they take on their roles as b’not mitzvah.
Through the program the girls also gain an understanding of our Jewish community and learn valuable leadership skills that last them a lifetime. They participate in community service initiatives such as visiting senior homes, packing boxes at food banks and working with special needs community.
A culminating ceremony takes place toward the end of their graduation year. The program, presented by the girls, includes a series of divrei torah around their learning and the singing of a repertoire of beautiful and meaningful songs. This important program is a highlight for the girls. They look forward to it and remember it long after they graduate.